18-wheeler fire shuts down 61 at the Yazoo River bridge
An 18-wheeler shut down traffic at the Yazoo River bridge after catching fire on Tuesday afternoon.
At 1:35 p.m. a vehicle fire was reported on the Yazoo River Bridge over Highway 61. An 18-wheeler was driving northbound on the bridge when the blaze erupted.
“The driver said that the engine compartment had caught on fire, that another motorist actually was flagging them down to let them know there was a problem,” explained Sheriff Pace. “The tractor burned completely to the frame. The box trailer was not damaged. The Warren County Fire Department was on scene very quickly and was able to protect the trailer and its contents.”
Warren County firefighters responded along with Warren County Sheriff’s Deputies to assist the Highway Patrol in controlling traffic at the scene of the fire.
The bridge was shut down for about an hour until firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control. The road was completely open at 4:15 p.m.
There were no injuries and the roadway has reopened.
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