Back L-R Ryan Nelson, Barrett Shows, John Wyatt Massey. Front L-R Chris Green II and Taylor LaBarre: Photo by Richard Miller
Porter’s Chapel Academy:
John Wyatt Massey: .382 batting average, 26 hits, 35 RBIs, 7 home runs and threw 51 strikeoutsGavin White: 14 hits, 21 RBIs and 18 runsGavin Pugh: 20 hits, 23 RBIs and 21 runsThomas Azlin: .388 batting average, 26 hits, 29 RBIs and two home runs Chase Hearn: .306 batting average, 22 hits, one home run, and 25 RBIsTaylor LaBarre: .286 batting average, 22 hits and 14 RBIs
St. Aloysius:
Barrett Shows: 20 hits, 9 RBIs and 18 runsWalt Andrews: 17 hits, 13 RBIs and 13 runsKeller Bradley: .307 batting average, 27 hits, 20 RBIs and struck out 49 batters Laken Bradley: .313 batting average, 26 hits and 15 RBIsCarson Smith: .402 batting average, 33 hits, 28 RBIs, 1 home run and struck out 36 battersClark Hobson: 18 hits,11 RBIs and struck out 25 batters
Mincer Minor IV: .444 batting average, 11 hits and 7 RBIsChris Green: .312 batting average, 20 hits, 12 RBIs and threw 36 strikeouts Tyler Carter: .340 batting average, 16 hits, two home runs, and 23 RBIs Mickell Jones: 10 hits, 6 RBI and a .854 fielding percentage Braylon Green: .328 batting average, 19 hits, 16 RBIs and 2 home runsKealon Bass: 13 hits, 14 RBIs, 1 home run and 16 RBIs
Warren Central:
Ryan Nelson:27 hits, 11 RBIs and a .922 fielding percentageConner Watkins: 30 hits, 24 RBIs and struck out 73 batters.Maddox Lynch: .305 batting average, 29 hits, 31 RBIs and 3 home runs Cole Autrey: 19 hits, 19 RBIs and 3 home runs Brooks Willoughby: Threw 87 strikeouts and had a .400 batting average. USM signeeCade Fairley: 26 hits, 30 RBIs and 2 home runsSee a typo? Report it here.