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A Concrete Fitness Experience – Week 3




Week 3 update.  You really need to watch it!  It’s near the 50 second mark. The best way I can describe it is and extreme crunch performed upside down with your feet suspended by straps while you’re in the “pushup” position.  OH MY GOD!  My hip flexor problem made it more difficult than most but I was able to successfully to complete a small portion of the exercise. I missed Thursday’s workout due to a previously scheduled filming but I’ll be making all three workouts this week. The one thing that I’m most proud of this week (as far as I’m concerned) is the fact that I was able to do fifteen minutes on the recumbent bike with a 5-3 interval and I did the last two minutes at a sprint speed.  There was a lot of pain, but the pain is diminishing and that’s spectacular. The other thing that I’m really proud of is Cristy’s performance this week.  She has completely immersed herself in her workouts and that’s been a large part of our conversation this week.  How it makes us feel and the changes we are starting to see within ourselves. I’m looking at my own body and seeing changes.. My clothes are starting to fit differently and I’m starting to think about what I eat and how it affects my fitness and my diabetes.  I’ve not been perfect – not by a long shot – but I’m working toward making the changes that will keep me healthy and, hopefully, alive for a really long time. What changes will this week bring?  Who knows? What new form of torture will Stuart have for us?  I’m not sure, but I’m darned sure looking forward to it.  For now… I’m headed to the gym to get in some cardio and challenge myself on the bike again!!! Hope to see you there!]]]]> ]]>

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