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A Guide to Couponing Lingo




BOGO or B1G1: Buy One Get One Free Blinkie: Manufacturer coupons dispensed in a little machine next to the products. CAT: Catalinas are typically coupons that you will receive triggered by items you buy. They print out of a box located by the cash register. Coupon Insert: Coupon circulars inserted into Sunday newspapers amongst the other advertisements. EXP: Expires or Expiration Date GM: General Mills IP: Internet Printable MIR: Mail-In-Rebate MC: Manufacturers Coupon One Coupon per Purchase:  You can use one coupon per item.  (You may not use two of the exact same coupons for one item.) One Coupon per Transaction: Limits you to only using one of this type of coupon per transaction.  (You may request to do separate transactions.) OOP: Out of Pocket OYNO: On Your Next Order Peelies: Sticker Coupons on package PG: Proctor & Gamble Q: Coupon abbreviation RC: Rain-Check. (Store issued when they are out of the item you are trying to buy.) RP: Red Plum RR: Register Reward (Walgreens) SS: Smart Source Stacking Coupons:  Refers to using both a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon on one product Tear Pad: a pad of manufacturer coupons found near products in the store UPC: Universal Product Code +UP Reward:  Reward from Rite Aid WAGS: Abbreviation for Walgreen WYB: When You Buy]]]]> ]]>

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