A ‘Night at the Museum’ hosted by the Old Courthouse Museum
Are you a fan of reenactments and history? Then get ready for a “Night at the Museum.”
“Night at the Museum” will be held at the Old Courthouse Museum, Sept. 28, starting at 7 p.m. The event will showcase people from the community representing people from the past.
“This is our fourth ‘Night at the Museum,’ said event coordinator Marlene Brooks. “We try to get people to portray Vicksburg’s past. We’ll have 11 citizens portraying people from the past. They’ll introduce themselves in the courtroom upstairs and tell a little about themselves and their lives.”
Brooks is hoping to have a large crowd of history buffs this year.
“We used to have people dressed like soldiers come around all the time, and we were thinking of a way to make money for the Courthouse because we don’t take any state or federal funding,” she said. “So we invited some of those people to be a part of this event, and we’ve grown. There’s even a little girl who’s never done this before coming.
“We can fit about 125 people and hopefully we get that many.”
The event is a fundraiser for the Old Courthouse Museum, and this year, it will be held during the annual Vicksburg Fall Pilgrimage.
“We’re hoping that some tourists will come out and join us,” Brooks said.
The cost to attend “Night at the Museum” is $10 and can be paid prior to the event at the Old Courthouse Museum or at the door.
For more information on a “Night at the Museum” contact the Old Courthouse Museum at 601-636-0741.
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