A Quick Thank You to Vicksburg

Support independent journalism that tells the truth without a corporate agenda. Our post reach was 1.4 million in the past 28 days.
Millions and millions of thanks. It’s been a while since we’ve taken a minute to thank you for the support you show us. You’ve grown us to over 55,000 followers with 1.4 million in post reach over the past 28 days or so.

Our advertisers are also enjoying millions of views and a hugh click through rate to showcase their products.
It is all because you value local journalism that tells the truth without a corporate agenda that isn’t a mouthpiece for locally elected officials or the local power structure. We work for you, the people, and obviously, that is what you want.
Even now as we face strong attempts to stifle our efforts from those who don’t you to know the truth, our numbers are stronger than ever. In spite of their efforts to shut us down and silence us, we continue to grow and are larger than ever. Your support during this period is heartwarming and appreciated more than you will ever know.
The best is yet to come. Remember, we work for you, the people, and will continue to do so.