Additional charges filed against Darden

Derrick Darden was arrested by Warren County deputies on Saturday night after attempting to flee. Deputies followed Darden to a residence off Highway 80 where he was arrested.
It was discovered Darden has a capias warrant from 2019 charging him with three counts of residential burglary, so Darden was held without bail
According to The Law Dictionary, a capias warrant is essentially an order to arrest and detain an individual for the purpose of guaranteeing a court appearance.
Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace reports that after spending time with the District Attorney’s office, “After his (Darden’s) flight from law enforcement and arrest on Saturday night, investigators met with the District Attorney to research other charges that may be pending.”
It was found that in the April Grand Jury of 2022, Darden was indicted for trafficking methamphetamines and also was charged with two counts of non-residential burglary. That same Grand Jury indicted Darden for 2 counts of armed robbery and 2 counts of conspiracy to commit a felon.”
Additionally, Jefferson County has put a retainer on Darden for an active warrant for aggravated assault with a firearm.
There will be no appearance before a judge so Darden will remain in jail without bond until he can appear for a post-indictment arraignment in circuit court.
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