AG Creates New Resource for Victims of Domestic Abuse
]]> In addition, a copy will be provided to each domestic violence shelter in the State, to each court with the authority to issue domestic abuse protection orders, as well as to each public library. A translation of this document into Spanish will be released during the month of October and will also be made available on the AG website “It is the hope that this Guide will improve access to the court system by providing a roadmap for victims who are in need of a domestic abuse protection order, which will in turn, improve the safety of these individuals,” said Attorney General Hood. This Guide is part of a multi-level effort by the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office to improve the safety of victims of domestic violence in Mississippi. Other initiatives include: · Pursuant to state law which directed the Attorney General’s Office to develop standardized forms for use by the courts in domestic abuse protection order proceedings, the Domestic Violence Division has recently updated and revised several important forms. Please visit the AG website to view these forms, including the newly released revised petition for a domestic abuse protection order. · The DV Division is engaged in ongoing training efforts on the Mississippi Protection Order Registry, which is the first statewide database of every protection order issued in the State of Mississippi. The MS POR will further enhance the safety of victims by providing current information to law enforcement officers around the state about the existence of an order. Attorney General Jim Hood and the office of the Attorney General wish to thank all the dedicated court personnel and law enforcement officials who strive daily to help keep victims safe from domestic violence.]]]]> ]]>
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