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Just Plain Fun

Are the new surveillance cameras a good idea or not?



Mayor Flaggs studies the screen at Project NOLA. Photo by David Day

The City of Vicksburg announced new surveillance cameras will be installed around the city in an effort to decrease crime.

Comments on social media have ranged from “It’s Big Brother” to “I’m not giving up my freedoms” and from “Thank goodness they are doing something, but this won’t work” to “What a great idea, it will definitely help!”

People have been complaining about crime in Vicksburg since we ran gamblers out of Glass Bayou in the 1830s. But very seldom has there been a period of time when people say they feel safe. It is always the current administration’s fault and whoever is sitting in the mayor’s seat, or in the chief of police’s seat, is just not up to the task.

The new camera system is impressive. It can zoom in from hundreds of yards away and get the serial number off a gun. It automatically turns to loud noises, like a gunshot, and keeps info stored for a very long time. Long enough to investigate any claim of malfeasance.

Chief Jones, Mayor Flaggs, Lt. Smith and Bryan Lagarde look at one of the high end cameras. Photo by David Day

Chief Jones, Mayor Flaggs, Lt. Smith and Bryan Lagarde look at one of the high-end cameras. Photo by David Day

So, what do you think, will the cameras help? Are they a step in the right direction? Are they an invasion of your privacy? Will they do nothing?

This is your time to get involved in the conversation. If not the cameras, then what is a feasible solution?

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