Good News
At a Vicksburg Waffle House, yesterday morning

A local gentleman named Robert Walker wrote this story of his experience at a Vicksburg Waffle House on a recent morning.
I was at Waffle House
Even with all the division in our country lately, what I typically see in Vicksburg are people holding doors open for people, and saying good morning as they walk by. But yesterday was one of the proudest moments yet.
I was eating alone in Waffle House on this hot but beautiful Saturday morning. Like most places in our town, it was an even mixture of black and white couples and families. As you know folks usually keep to themselves and just eat but today the jukebox that’s never on was playing music and people across tables were talking to each other. As I sat and watched my hometown talk and laugh with music playing in the background. Then my eyes caught this younger white couple congratulating an older black gentleman on his 70th birthday at the booth next to them. They were talking and laughing until the young couple got up to leave. The woman walked over and hugged the stranger that was the birthday man and they left.
It kinda caught the man by surprise, but he had the biggest smile and he kept eating.
But wait, there’s more
But it didn’t end there. At another table, at least a 70-year-old black gentleman was treating his 95-year-old mother to breakfast. I overheard a white gentleman at the table right next to me secretly ask the waitress to come over. I thought it was to get a refill, but no, he was asking her to put their meal on his check.
The race of the people involved is mentioned because the news keeps telling us we hate each other, but that’s not what I am experiencing at this moment.
My heart was full of pride for my town, but to top it off when the 70-year-old birthday man finished eating and got ready to leave he found out the young couple had already paid for his meal too! Even though the waitress told him they had already tipped for him, he left her another one. I too left that waitress a nice tip because of all the covert operations she was handling with the secret transactions.
Division in our country? Not today. Not in this Vicksburg Waffle House. True story.
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