Autistic child? There are those that can assist
A Mississippi non-profit organization wants to remind parents that despite the challenges faced with COVID-19 and other hurdles put in place by the pandemic, that there are solutions to help children with autism that don’t have to stifle their development, WLBT reports.
Canopy Children’s Solutions is a non-profit organization that has a presence in all counties covering the state of Mississippi. They offer solutions for children dealing with autism, mental health issues, behavioral and health issues, adoption and more.
One suggestion the organization gives to parents is to use the acronym PRIDE.
P – Praise your child
R- Repeat what they say, so they know they are being heard
I – Imitating play
D – Describe what they are doing in various ways, showing new speech sounds
E – Enthusiasm
“If you can catch them being good, no matter how small, even if it’s is sitting there engaging in an activity for just 30 seconds to a minute at a time without changing to a different one,” Christopher Furlow, director of Autism Solutions, said in a quote to WLBT. “If you can find something to praise your child about, that’s a win. That’s the big win and a good way to establish those positive interactions.”
With April being Autism Awareness Month, parents should know there are programs out there that can help. Being a parent of an autistic child can come with a wide set of challenges, and it’s important for parents to take the time to care for themselves as well.
Care Coordinators are a resource that is there for parents and caregivers. If you have a child diagnosed with autism, you can call them at 1-800-388-6247 and someone will be able to discuss and provide solutions.
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