Biden approves request for public assistance for winter’s storm

President Biden approved FEMA Disaster 4598, Mississippi’s request for federal public assistance related to the winter storms in early 2021.
Per the recent approval, the following counties and the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians may apply for federal public assistance through the declaration:
Adams, Attala, Choctaw, Claiborne, Copiah, Covington, Franklin, Grenada, Hinds, Jasper, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Kemper, Lafayette, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Leake, Lincoln, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Pike, Rankin, Scott, Simpson, Smith, Tallahatchie, Walthall, Warren, Winston and Yazoo.
Those seeking to take advantage of the newly approved public assistance must submit specific projects to FEMA, who must approve the projects which are submitted by local governments.
The application for public assistance can visit the website. The deadline to apply is set for June 3, 2021.
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