Big fourth inning helps PCA defeat Marshall Academy on Saturday
By scoring 11 runs in the fourth inning, Porter’s Chapel Academy softball team brought home a 14-6 win on Saturday at the Tri-County Tournament against Marshall Academy.
The Lady Eagles racked up a total of 12 hits in the victory where many of the players came up with major hits.
Katie Tillman led things at the plate by going 3 for 4 with four RBIs while Emily Collins and Marley Bufkin went 2 for 3 at the plate with three RBIs. Tillman and Collins both finished the tournament with a total of five RBIs.
Raegan Thornell went 2 for 4 with one RBI and one run score. Bufkin, Thornell, Tillman, Macey Bufkin, Olivia Masterson, Collins, Sophie Masterson, and Emily Phillipson all had hits in the victory.
Sophie Masterson led things from the rubber as she struck out two batters.
By continuing to play hard under the leadership of Chandler Upton, PCA was able to bounce back to defeat Marshall after taking two tough losses to Hillcrest and Bayou Academy.
The Lady Eagles will face Manchester at home on Monday at 6:15 p.m.
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