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Big playoff games for PCA and VHS tonight



Walter Hallbnerg IV and Troy Stewart
Walter Hallberg IV (Photo by Keith Phillips) and Troy Stewart (Photo by Ced Tillman)

Big playoff games are happening tonight for local basketball teams Vicksburg (girls) and Porter’s Chapel Academy (boys).

The Missy Gators will host Cleveland Central at 7 p.m. as they will strive to continue their great season under head coach Troy Stewart.

On the boy’s side, PCA will be playing at Greenville Christian tonight at 7:15 p.m. against Tunica Academy. PCA is having their best season since 2013 under head coach Walter Hallberg IV.

Fans can go out and support VHS in person with just a short drive to the school. PCA fans can support the Eagles by making a trip up to Greenville Christian.

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