Board of Mayor and Alderman looking to spend $125,000 on funding local museums
The Vicksburg Mayor and Board of Alderman are currently looking into projects that will fund museums in the city.
Mayor George Flaggs mentioned the projects will be funded from the rescue money and the city will spend a total of $125,000.
“We’re looking at projects that we may can fund out of it,” said Flaggs. “A couple of projects we are looking at making some recommendations to this board, is to fund some of our museums,” Flaggs continued. “We’re gonna take 125,000, divide it up between Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum, Catfish Row Museum, Old Court House Museum, Vicksburg Transportation Museum Old Depot, Vicksburg Civil War Museum, and the Jacqueline House.”
Once the project is placed on the agenda and necessary paperwork is filled out, each museum would receive a total of $20,833.33.
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