Bond set for Camelot Estate shooting suspects

Tracie Young and Jeffery Young, Jr. had their initial appearance in County Court Wednesday morning for the shooting death of Jeffery Young, Sr.

Tracie Young and Jeffery Young, Jr. (Photo by Kelley Branch)
Just after 7 p.m. on Tuesday, the Sheriff’s department was alerted by a 911 call of a shooting at 6025 Castle Road. Responding deputies found shoes, sunglasses, keys and other items spread over the yard, as well as trails of blood.
Young, Sr. was in his front yard covered with a white sheet when investigators arrived. Young, Sr. suffered from at least one gunshot wound.
Paramedics arrived on the scene and shortly thereafter summoned Warren County Coroner Kelda Bailess who pronounced the victim deceased.
The victim’s son, Jeffery Young, Jr., 23, was tested for gunshot residue at the scene. A search warrant was issued and executed on the home. Young, Jr’s bedroom had a safe containing a .22 revolver.
Young, Jr. and the victim’s wife, Tracie Young, 55, were taken into custody by Lt. Stacy Rollison and booked within a few hours of the crime.
According to Sheriff Pace, the incident seemed to have escalated from an argument between Young, Sr. and Young, Jr.
Jeffery Young, Jr. has been charged with first-degree murder. Tracie Young has been charged with accessory after the fact.
Young, Jr. was given a $1 million bond by Judge Marcie Southerland. Tracie Young was given a $500,000 bond. Their cases have been bound over to the Warren County Grand Jury.