Book Review (Sort of…) – January 19, 2011
REAL PEOPLE READ campaign, please join today. If you have not been poked, prodded, stepped on, hugged, sneezed on, adored and loved by a busy group of five year olds, you are truly missing out on something very special. Our children in Warren County need you…they need us. If you want to be an important part of this program, please call my office (601-636-4555) and I will help you find a class who will be thrilled to have you read a story. I KNOW it will be the highlight of your week! As for Dr. Dolittle, just ask Mrs. Perkins’ kindergartners…they can tell you the rest of the story! [wp-tube vid_id=”YpBPavEDQCk” /]]]]]> ]]>
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