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Brett Favre asks parents to not let kids participate in tackle football until the age of 14



Mississippi native and former NFL star quarterback Brett Favre is urging individuals to not allow kids to play tackle football until the age of 14.

Favre, who suffered many concussions in his football career, has become and advocate on informing people about Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (C.T.E.), which many former athletes suffer from today.

Favre spoke in a interview with Today, where he expressed in hardships he faced with concussions.

“I don’t know what normal feels like. Do I have C.T.E.? I really don’t know,” Favre told Today. “Concussions are a very, very serious thing and we’re just scraping the surface of how severe they are.”

Favre is shown in an informational video, along with a youth football player, advocating to not put children in tackle football before the age of 14 due to the seriousness of concussions and C.T.E.

C.T.E. currently can not be diagnosed while a person is still living, but it has affected numerous athletes. Neuropathologist Dr. Ann McKee examined the brains of 202 football players. 111 of those examined played in the N.F.L, with all but one having C.T.E.

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