Carter and Stewart celebrated at retirement party
Janice Carter hosted a retirement party for retiring court clerk Janice Carter and retiring deputy chief, Bobby Stewart.
About 75 family members, city employees, friends and elected officials joined in the celebration of their 30 plus year careers. Both were presented with a plaque from the City of Vicksburg recognizing them and their retirement. Mayor Flaggs thanked both of them for their service to their community.
Janice Carter’s plaque noted her 33 years of experience as the Municipal Court Clerk for the Vicksburg Police Department. She encouraged everyone to treat all the people who come through the court process with respect. “We should show love and respect for everyone that comes through here,” said Carter.
Her colleagues in the clerk’s office also presented her with a beautiful glass trophy as a memento of their esteem for her.
Bobby Stewart’s plaque from the city noted his 34 years of experience and his title as Deputy Chief of Investigation. Chief Moore spoke briefly to thank Carter and Stewart for their service but became emotional when speaking about Stewart. Chief Moore thanked Stewart for helping him when he was a rookie and for developing him along the way. “When I became chief you made it seamless,” complimented Chief Moore to Bobby Stewart.
Several current and former co-workers got up to speak and thank Carter and Stewart for their help and effort over the years including Judge Toni Terrett. A large buffet was set up in the front of the room and a long line of celebrants dug in and enjoyed the meal with the retirees.
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