Chief Craig Danczyk completes Executive Fire Officer Program

Another reason to be proud of our Fire Department and its leaders is their commitment to on going training for everyone, including the chief.
Vicksburg Fire Chief Craig Danczyk just completed the Mississippi Executive Fire Officer Program Class VIII, today, Sept. 26, 2019.
Several fire chiefs from around the state met for the class designed specifically for fire department officers.
According to the Mississippi Fire Academy catalog, the “course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of current fire officers. It will also introduce future fire officers to various issues and situations encountered by many of today’s company officers. The course contains subjects, discussions, and class activities that pertain specifically to fire officers. Course topics include: human resource management, community awareness/public relations, organizational structure, administration, budgeting, communication, etc.”
Here is Chief Dancyzk with his classmates:

Front row seated, left to right: Brian Arnett (Starkville), Shawn Buchanan (Pearl), Craig Danczyk (Vicksburg) and Nicholas M. Rivera (Jackson County).
Back row standing: Jerome Clark (Starkville), Albert E. Killen (Gautier), James L. Smith (MS State Fire Academy), Durfie T. Burns (MS State Fire Academy), William D. Collins (MS State Fire Academy), Craig Woodard (Southaven) and Rick Carpenter (Southaven).
Not pictured: Chad Ponder (MS State Fire Academy).
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