Vicksburg budget hearing: $143 million in construction projects under way in fiscal 2020

Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs Jr. held a budget hearing this evening, Sept. 5.
He began by highlighting the large amount of private and public investment in our community.
The current total of known projects is $143 million encompassing projects from a Family Dollar to $37 million being invested in Vicksburg High School.
Also included in the budget is a pay increase for city employees. “Our most valuable asset is our people,” Flaggs said .
“We got a budget that is balanced,” he added.
The proposed budget for fiscal year 2020 is $29,357,636.00. That is down primarily due to decreased tax revenue from Entergy. A turbine at the Baxter Wilson plant failed and that decreased the plant’s ability to produce revenue and, thus, reduced taxable income.
City budget wizard Doug Whittington presented the details.
Following are the big picture breakdowns of revenue and expenditures:
A detailed budget can be had by contacting City of Vicksburg’s office of the City Clerk, located at 1401 Walnut Street, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or call at 601-634-4553.
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