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City of Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Alderman – May 10, 2011



on The Board adopted resolutions seeking assistance from the Board of Supervisors for anticipated flooding in Green Meadows subdivision and giving permission for residents and industries in South Vicksburg to fill in and raise the railroad bed in an attempt to keep the flood waters of the Mississippi River from their property.  This is a certification of work that had been done to repair a raised railroad track that was perforated to alleviate flash flooding. The Mayor would also like to discourage sightseers from venturing near the water, as even familiar terrain may have changed and the flood waters are likely to disturb snakes and other wildlife in the area.  The Coast Guard and other officials will be monitoring the flood levels and work to protect properties. Curt Follmer Director of Vicksburg Municipal Airport was in attendance as the board authorized the City Clerk to advertise sealed bids for Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) for Vicksburg Airport.   The AWOS communicates to onboard equipment providing critical information such as visibility, barometric pressure, and visibility.  This device is both required and funded by a federal grant. The Board also authorized the City Clerk to re-advertise Sealed Bids to Construct Vicksburg Fuel Farm, Access Road, and Truck Parking Area. The Board adopted a resolution authorizing preparation and submittal of an application to Mississippi Department of Public Safety under the FY2012 Occupant Protection Grant.  The grant will provide $15,000 to continue seatbelt education and enforcement. The Board approved request from Vicksburg Police Department to walk from Walnut Street (City Hall) to Cherry Street (Court House) on May 14, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for the Community Walk/Rally against Violence. The Board approved request from Parks and Recreation to purchase tennis balls and concession items for Beverly O’Neal Tennis Tournament at Halls Ferry Tennis Facility on May 27-29, 2011. The Board discussed dilapidated buildings and overgrown lot codes and authorized Director of Buildings and Inspections to proceed to cut, clean, and demolish properties. The Board discussed with Beverly Thompson regarding property located at 150 Openwood Lane. The Board rescinded motions from February 7, 2011, establishing special assessment for demolition and site clearing of the following properties and accepted corrected letter establishing special assessment and adopt order for demolition and site clearing of same properties: a.       2014 Ford Street, PPIN 16310; owned by Acquitas Enterprises, LLC b.      1402 Main Street, PPIN 18694; owned by Called to Serve Ministries The Board accepted a letter establishing special assessment and adopted resolution for cutting and cleaning or Order for Demolition and Site Clearing of the following properties: a.       500 Sycamore Street, PPIN 20616; owned by Mary Logan b.      811 Bowman, PPIN 18329; owned by Jules H. Sr. & Barbara Duperon c.       2501 Roosevelt, PPIN 4962; owned by Tamara E. Brown d.      1518 Sky Farm, PPIN 19775; owned by Jake Coffie e.      270 Railroad Alley, PPIN 14297; owned by Derrick Bell f.        20 Mary’s Alley, PPIN 6511; owned by Richard Brown etal g.       24 Mary’s Alley, PPIN 6511; owned by Richard Brown etal h.      30 Mary’s Alley, PPIN 6511; owned by Richard Brown etal i.         38 Mary’s Alley, PPIN 6511; owned by Richard Brown etal j.        63 Brown’s Alley, PPIN 6511; owned by Richard Brown etal k.       531 Hugo Street, PPIN 19601; owned by Bac Home Loans Servicing, LP l.         1508 First East Street, PPIN 18643; owned by Joseph Timothy Young Hall m.    803 Fifth North Street, PPIN 17546; owned by Michael Davis n.      2109 Martin Luther King Blvd, PPIN 20059; owned by Bac Home Loans Servicing o.      1401 High Street, PPIN 16280; owned by State of Mississippi The Board authorized City Clerk to advertise Notice to Public regarding City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Board approved request from Vicksburg Police Department to purchase twenty-two (22) car seats in the amount of $814.00 for child passenger safety. The Board authorized the Mayor to execute agreement with We Care, Inc. and Mission 66 Baseball League for use of City’s baseball fields. The Board approved request to establish petty cash fund for City Pool in the amount of $300.00 for swim lesson registration. The Board approved request for hole sponsorship from Mississippi Children’s Home Services for Warren County Golf Championship at Clear Creek. The Board’s next regular meeting, 10:00 a.m., Monday, May 16, 2011.]]]]> ]]>

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