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City of Vicksburg releases crime stats and changes in the past year



On Aug. 19, Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs Jr. distributed a press release and statistics regarding  crimes in the city from the Vicksburg Police Department showing the changes in those statistics over the past year.

“You can have all the success you want in a community but if you don’t reduce crime, you can’t grow effectively,” Flaggs said in the release. “I still believe in zero tolerance as it relates to crime in the City of Vicksburg.”

In response to the statement, Vicksburg Police Chief Milton Moore wants residents to know that the police department is diligently working toward solving the city’s crimes.

“We’re just not focused on the numbers right now,”  Moore said. “We still have a lot of major crimes that we have to stay on top of. So we are just doing the best we can and trying to deter and compact the crime in Vicksburg.”

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