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COVID-19 has residents clearing store shelves



Hand sanitizers and some other products are nowhere to be found at many local stores. (Photo by Thomas Parker)

The COVID-19 coronavirus is proving to be great for area retailers. Kroger and Walmart parking lots are packed like it’s the holiday season. Pictures posted on social media indicate some shelves were empty Friday night.

Around 11 a.m. Saturday, Corner Market on Indiana Avenue in Vicksburg was doing brisk business. Co-Manager Ann Hambright said Thursday and Friday sales numbers rivaled Christmas numbers. She had every register open.

“We don’t do self-checkout,” she said.

Corner Market in Vicksburg was selling out of paper products almost as quickly as they could restock (Photo by Thomas Parker)

“Our produce and meat sections were nearly empty by close Friday night, but we got a truck in and are restocking as fast as we can. Paper products are moving as fast as we can get them on the shelves. There is no hand sanitizer to be had. Items such as rubbing alcohol and bleach are selling out, too,” Hambright added.

Corner Market is owned by Hattiesburg-based Roberts Company. The company operates three different chains across Mississippi including Grocery Depot and Sunflower Stores.

Bleach is another hot seller. (Photo by Thomas Parker)

“We are big enough as a group to have some buying power, but we have a three-day wait once we order, so the current situation is causing us to plan ahead,” Hambright said. “I am staying busy relieving checkers and stocking shelves. This is at holiday-plus levels.”

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