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Dillion Mabe is beating the odds but remains in critical condition



Chloe Pampanelli and her fiance, Dillion Mabe.

On Sunday, December 5 at about 10:30 a.m., Dillion Mabe was involved in a rollover accident on 1-20 near the Bovina exit. He was ejected from the vehicle and suffered major head trauma and other significant injuries.

Today, two weeks after the accident, Dillion remains on life support in the ICU at UMMC in Jackson. His fiancé, Chloe Pampanelli, has been traveling back and forth from Vicksburg to be by his side as much as possible. She has been borrowing a friend’s car because their only vehicle was destroyed in the accident. More than once, she was dropped off at the hospital and spent the night in the parking garage with no vehicle. She is not allowed to stay in ICU and there wasn’t money for a hotel room.

Dillion in his hospital bed.

Their two young children have been staying with friends and family and in spite of being told Dillion was “sick,” his two young step-children, Jace, 6, and Sienna, 2, thought their step-dad had abandoned them. Chloe had the heart-wrenching duty of coordinating a facetime with the ICU staff so the children could see Dillion was sick and was unable to get up. Jace was strong and resolute while Sienna, understandably, cried for him to wake up, “Wake up Daddy D!” As difficult as it was for Chloe and the children, the children now know they haven’t been abandoned by Dillion.

Jace, 6, and Dillion Mabe.

Dillion and Sienna, 2.

The neurosurgeon said Dillion can hear everything and is aware of when Chloe is in the room to the point his brain pressure spikes when she gets near the door to leave the room.

Dillion’s condition is still critical and he remains hooked up to life support systems as his body struggles to recover from the massive injuries sustained in the rollover accident. The entire upper right side of his body was broken with an initial assessment revealing severe head trauma, including damage to the right temporal lobe, left temporal and frontal lobes, fractures in his skull, neck, back, inner ear, broken ribs and broken fingers along with bruising on his lungs from the broken ribs. His lungs have collapsed more than once.

Parts of his brain have died but until the bruising decreases, they won’t be able to determine the extent of that damage. They do know his brain has been knocked out of place by 6-7 millimeters and he has subarachnoid hemorrhages and a subdural hematoma. His blood pressure spikes when they work on him and that in turn causes the pressure in his brain to increase. He still has pneumonia, is on a ventilator and has numerous contusions all over his body.

They are hoping to do a tracheotomy today or Monday.

The doctors have told the family Dillion’s brain damage may mean a multitude of things including that he has a 45% chance of not surviving, a 45% chance of being mentally or physically disabled and a 10% chance that he will survive to live a semi-normal life.

Jace, Chloe, Sienna and Dillion. Photo used with permission.

Chloe has been by Dillion’s side and with neither of them working they are entirely dependant on their friends, family and your donations. If you would like to help the family you can donate to their fundraiser on Facebook or their cashapp $DaddyD601, or PayPal FUNDRAISER FOR DILLION.

In spite of the trauma the family is facing, they are very thankful to the community for their support. Chloe said, “A lot of people have shown me so much love and support. I can’t reach out to you individually, there are so many, thank you to all of you. I am so amazed that so many people have reached out to us. Please keep praying for my fiancé, my best friend.”



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