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Entergy Mississippi commits $425K in bill assistance



entergy bill asistance group photo

JACKSON, Miss. – Entergy Mississippi has committed $425,654 to provide bill assistance and income-based programs to older adults and customers with disabilities. The power company announced the contribution at a recent Mississippi Braves game. The bill assistance, which includes contributions from employees, customers and shareholders, is distributed through Entergy’s The Power to Care program, with the help of The Salvation Army.

While Mississippians know to expect a hot summer, the scorching temperatures can be especially dangerous for older adults and individuals with disabilities. Having power for air conditioning and fans is a necessity, just like food and medicine.

“Extreme heat increases electricity use, causing power bills to rise and creating further strain on budgets,” said Valarie Mabry, public affairs analyst. Mabry helps to coordinate the program for Entergy Mississippi. “However, relief is available, even when there is no reprieve from the weather. We are proud that our employees, customers and shareholders join together to provide assistance for those who need it most through The Power to Care program.”

All donations go directly to helping our customers make payments on their Entergy bill and are not used for fundraising or administrative purposes. When customers give, Entergy shareholders match the gift, up to $500,000, doubling the impact of the contribution. Donations to Entergy’s The Power to Care program are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. A summary of donations to The Power to Care program are included in the January bill for tax reporting purposes.

Customers having difficulty paying their bill may also qualify for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP. LIHEAP is funded through the federal government and works with community action agencies to qualify customers and distribute the funds.

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