Facebook Has Limitations
our page, but is a security measure that was put into place by the billion-dollar company. We had people inundate our profile with “friend requests” over the weekend. Many of those people sent us suggestions to “Add Friends.” In the process of adding friends, which we diligently attended to, we encountered the message, “Sorry, you’ve exceeded the limit for adding friends.” We may or may not be able to send out friend requests in the future. That is a question we have yet to find a definitive answer to. The ability to add friends is available to any Facebook user, but, as it turns out, the company has placed the security measure in place to keep people from “spamming” and recognizes the amount of requests send in a given period of time. When you exceed their pre-determined ratio (requests-time), your account is prevented from being able to send friend requests. We appreciate the security measures put into place by Facebook and realize that they were put into effect to protect all of us from unwanted invasions by people with less than good intentioins. We can still accept friend requests that are sent to us, but can no longer request people to be join our list of friends. If you’d like to become friends with on our Facebook page. Send us a request… we’ll gladly accept. Just head to and add us to your friends list. By the way… that link with take you straight to our “wall” not our info page. You can interact with us and send us news story ideas and lots of other things on our Facebook page. We’ll be posting news updates periodically throughout the day and will let you know about cool deals from our sponsors as well. We’ll be focusing the majority of our news here on our website, but will, in times such as last night, when we had news coming in faster than we can post stories on the site, be using Facebook to disseminate information at a much faster pace during emergency situations. You can get automatic alerts delivered to your inbox by becoming a registered user on our site. Automatic alerts will arrive every time we post a story. Registered user status also gives you the ability to comment on our stories and articles and will automatically enroll you to receive our Vicksburg Daily Digest newsletter which contains excerpts from the stories we posted during the day. To become a registered user of, CLICK HERE. You’ll be sent an e-mail with your temporary password within a few minutes and you can start commenting away. If you want to receive alerts, just check the box that is displayed during the registration process. Your privacy is as sacred to us as ours is. Be assured that we will NEVER share your information with anyone… period! Oh, by the way, we thank all of you to help us reach 800 friends on Facebook in 24 hours. That’s got to be some kind of record for Vicksburg!]]]]> ]]>
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