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Family demands justice following infants death at Brandon daycare



Mazeigh Grace brandon daycare death
Mazeigh Grace Source: WLBT.

A family in Rankin County is demanding clarity regarding the death of their baby at a daycare facility in Brandon, WLBT reports.

The child, a three-month-old girl named Mazeigh Grace, lost her life while under the care of the Children’s Center at First Baptist Church in Brandon, the family reported.

Her father shared that the incident traces back to March 31 when Mazeigh Grace was at the daycare, living with a condition known as torticollis. In this condition, a child’s neck muscles make their head tilt to one side.

The father revealed that the daycare was informed about Mazeigh Grace’s condition and the importance of not letting her lie down on her right side. Details provided by a detective, a police report, and medical staff describe the events that transpired at the daycare on that unfortunate day.

The situation was only discovered when a daycare worker noticed and initiated CPR. The father claims that the employee at fault confessed her mistakes. “She took full responsibility,” he said. “She conceded to everything,” according to the police.

The father further alleges that the daycare attempted to contribute to the family’s medical costs following the incident.

An ongoing investigation into the incident is being conducted by the Mississippi Department of Health, who confirmed that the daycare did report the occurrence, in compliance with protocols.

The grieving father raised concerns about the continued employment of the implicated workers at the daycare, demanding their removal.

Meanwhile, the Brandon Police Department, which is investigating the incident, has not yet made any arrests. They are awaiting the postmortem report from the crime lab to establish the exact cause of the infant’s death.

The father is expecting it might take anywhere from eight months to a year for the autopsy report to be finalized. When contacted regarding the incident, the daycare administrator declined to provide a comment at this point in time.

The bereaved family is preparing to pursue legal action against the daycare.

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