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Frank-5, Jason Sanders dispatches up a crowd at 911



Sander's smiles big as Chief Jones comments on his resume. Photo by David Day

Jason Sanders, known as Frank-5,  committed to assisting 911 operators on Friday morning.

Jason Sanders, Paige Cook and Wanda Thomas at 911 Friday morning.
Jason Sanders, Paige Cook and Wanda Thomas at 911 Friday morning. Sanders had everyone cracking up. Photo submitted.

When word got out Sanders was working the calls, directing, and responding to emergency response units, several local officials dropped by to say hello and review his resume. 

He started the morning working with Wanda Thomas and Paige Cook in the center console responding to calls, most often with a 10-4. Thomas was quick to point out that Sander’s mobility device had a F5 designation on it and thereafter Sanders was officially referred to as Frank-5 by most of the assembled law enforcement and staff.

F-5s labeled mobility device
F-5s labeled mobility device. Photo by David Day

Warren County Emergency Management director John Elfer and Tracy Porter arrived to meet the wunderkind and his mother, Adrian Sanders. Soon thereafter Vicksburg Fire Chief Craig Danczyk stopped in and was the first to read Sander’s resume of qualifications for the job of dispatcher.

Wanda Thomas introduces Sanders to Chief Danczyk. Photo by David Day
Wanda Thomas introduces Sanders to Chief Danczyk as Paige Cook looks on. Photo by David Day

His resume was an impressive list including prior assignments with Jackson County Sheriff Mike Ezell. With Ezell, Sander’s efforts included ride alongs, dispatches and even security at events. He shared a similar work ethic with the Gautier Police Department. In Pascagoula, Sanders expanded his skillset to include work in parades and Rankin County needed him to do back up work for the Constable.

After reading his accomplishments at such a young age Chief Danczyk noted that Sanders may be overqualified.

Throughout the morning units with the police department and the sheriff’s office dropped by including Sheriff’s Deputy Dustin Keyes and K-9 Heidi.

Deputy Dustin Keyes and Heidi. Photo by David Day
Deputy Dustin Keyes and Heidi. Photo by David Day

Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace talked with Sanders for a while in-between 911 calls that demanded Sanders attention. Wanda Thomas worked closely with Sanders observing his techniques and sharing some of her own techniques with him. She mentioned several times what a quick study he was with 911/Fire/EMS Co-ordinator Jerry Briggs. Also noting to Sander’s mom, Adrian, that few people catch on as quickly as Sanders.

Sanders, Mayor Flaggs, Jerry Briggs and Wanda Thomas. Photo by David Day
Sanders, Mayor Flaggs, Jerry Briggs and Wanda Thomas. Photo by David Day

Mayor George Flaggs arrived and immediately began an effort to recruit Sanders to the City of Vicksburg in the service of 911. Sanders was flattered but appeared non committal on the efforts. Vicksburg Police Chief Penny Jones showed up to offer her thanks to Sanders for assisting the city on a busy Friday morning. Chief Jones was seen studying Sanders’ resume closely.

The effort to join Sanders with the Vicksburg Warren 911 team was led by Director Bobby Rufus and FireBoss Jerry Briggs.

Mom looks on as Sheriff Pace pins a badge on Jason. Photo by David Day
Mom looks on as Sheriff Pace pins a badge on Jason. Photo by David Day

Through it all Sanders’ seemed pleased with the visitors that were kind enough to drop by but made it clear that his job came first.

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