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Fundraiser established for the family of Good Shepherd’s Yavette Mitchell



yvette mitchell
(Photo from GoFundMe campaign on behalf of Yvette Mitchell's family)

A fundraiser has been established for the family of Yavette Mitchell, who recently lost the battle with cancer.

“We just want the community to be aware of her passing and the hardship my father is in,” said B’La Mitchell.

Yavette Mitchell was diagnosed with a small cell carcinoma in her lung over a year and a half ago. The year prior, Yavette left her job which offered insurance to work more with the community as administrative assistant at Good Shepherd Community Center.

She made a lasting impact at Good Shepherd, which was echoed in a post on social media.

good shepherd post

Throughout her treatments, she kept her faith. She continued to work, despite visiting the doctors up to five times a week. The cancer seemed to respond to the treatment at first, but in January 2022 a scan found it to be abnormal.

More aggressive treatments began but by the end of April, the situation had taken its toll. Yavette lost her appetite and wasn’t acting her usual self. Her husband, Mark, quickly admitted her to the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Mark relies on disability and has struggled to keep up with the bills, but has worked hard to support his wife and stay by her side.

The scan performed at UMMC revealed the cancer metastasized to her brain. She died on May 9 at the age of 57.

Good Shepherd

Those wishing to donate to this family may do so my visiting the GoFundMe campaign.





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