Georgia fugitives in Warren County sheriff’s custody

Two fugitives from Georgia are in the custody of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office.
Shortly after 9 a.m. Thursday, Vicksburg Warren 911 dispatched Warren County deputies to the area of the Ballground Plantation on Mississippi Highway 3 in northeastern Warren County. The call reported a suspicious person was on the property.
Deputy Mike Rainey made contact with two individuals near the wood yard at International Paper. A check on the National Crime Information Computer revealed that both are wanted for numerous crimes in the state of Georgia including auto theft.
A check by Deputy Eric Proctor has revealed that the individuals may have burglarized at least one home in Warren County. A firearm believed to be stolen was recovered during the arrest.
Sheriff Martin Pace and numerous sheriff’s personnel are in the area continuing their investigation. Both individuals have been transported to the Warren County Jail.
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