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Is it the dog or is it my neighbor? OH WAIT….MAYBE IT’S ME! (Part 2)




Your Neighbor If you browse back a few days, you will see an opinion article I wrote just about one week ago regarding my neighbor, who is tying his dog up just a few yards from my bedroom window. (CLICK HERE TO READ THE ORIGINAL OP-ED) Being the polite neighbor that I am, I have not mentioned one word to him about the poor creature whining outside for hours on end. Well, this morning I got very excited. As I sat at the computer looking out the window towards my neighbor’s house, I saw his daughter outside with the dog. That cute Labrador was having a blast. He was off the leash, rollicking around the yard with the young woman, tossing a ball in the air and then chasing it…he was having such a great time. So, me, myself and I think my opinion article was quite effective and my neighbor must have “seen the light.” After all, the dog was not chained up. The dog was free and wandering around the yard. My goodness…I was feeling quite proud of myself for having written such an effective and eloquent article that my neighbor actually recognized himself and changed his ways. Then….I realized what was happening. The daughter had obviously been relegated to scoop the poop out of their yard. Now, in this weird twist of fate and irony, guess what she did with the poop. Three times she shoveled the poop from the other side of the yard, walked all the way across their yard and dumped it behind the fence into my yard. Wait…what…in my yard? I have been about as friendly as I can with these neighbors. We have never had a cross word. He has asked me to make a donation to a non-profit organization, of which he is a member, for three years and I have. We wave to each other as we pull in and out of our driveways. He does, however, seem to do odd things. He frequently mows the grass after 10:00 p.m. Although he has headlights on his mower, it still seems odd to me. In the morning when I look at his yard, it looks like it was mowed in the dark, if you know what I mean. Last year he asked me if he could run a pipe from his house into the woods behind my house and run his gray water into it. I wasn’t wrong to tell him no. After all, it’s not exactly a third world country out where we live. I admit we are in a bit of a rural area, but not really THAT far out in the country. Run your pipes like the rest of us do. For the last year I have wondered if he just ran that pipe anyway. He could easily have done so without me seeing it. Now, they are dumping the dog doo in my yard! Why? Have I offended them in some way? Was he so disgruntled that I told him no about running gray water into my yard that he instructed his daughter to dump the doggie mud over the fence? If I were a revengeful person, I would—well, I don’t know exactly what I would do because I don’t do revenge so it’s hard to know what to think I would do. So, Mr. Neighbor, if my first opinion article offended you then surely this one will, too. I wonder what I will see next Saturday morning when I’m sitting at my computer and looking into the adjacent yard. What’s next?]]]]> ]]>

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