“It looks terrible.” – Mayor Flaggs comments on abandoned vehicles throughout city

At the Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting on Monday, Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs Jr. expressed deep concern over the increasing number of abandoned vehicles that have become a prominent issue in yards throughout the city.
“I don’t understand. I just don’t understand how we can not see some of these vehicles in these yards… I just don’t understand it,” stated Flaggs.
Flaggs emphasized that the problem is not confined to a specific area of Vicksburg, rather it is “all over the city.”
“It looks terrible,” said Flaggs.
Flaggs then called on local authorities to be more vigilant in enforcing existing ordinances.
“We’ve just got to do better,” said Flaggs.
Aside from affecting the asthetic look of the area, abandoned vehicles can create enviornmental hazards. According to the Enviornmental Protection Agency, as vehicles deteriorate, toxins such as mercury, lead and asbestos cound be introduced to the surrounding enviornment.
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