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It’s not a ticket, it’s car window poetry



Even though 2020 is now a memory, some of its ill effects are lingering. Many people are still finding themselves somewhat isolated and broke with an awful lot of empty time on their hands. 

Because of this, or maybe in spite of this, many trends aimed at bringing people a bit of joy emerged and were made popular on social media. Some of these are national trends such as the Random Acts of Kindness challenge, the Be Good to People Group and the Making People Happy forum. Vicksburg even has its own local example called The Booze Fairies.

The latest of these trends is a movement called Car Window Poetry. Their premise is simple. People are encouraged to write short poems or brief notes of encouragement and praise and place them on car windows in the hopes of making people smile.

The movement was started in August of 2016 by Alex Lewis, a poet from Colorado Springs. In a presentation, Lewis said, “We all have the ability to share words, even if you don’t consider yourself a poet. When people come together, acknowledge life is a story worth living and choose to go out and share their words together, hope happens. Beauty happens. Our communities are made better.”

When the coronavirus officially became a global pandemic and Lewis saw the level of sadness, uncertainty and fear members of his community were experiencing, he decided to put his focus on making his small poetry idea a nationwide movement. Lewis enlisted the help of friends, and they took to social media.

Recipients were encouraged to share the stories and pictures on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It didn’t take long for photos began pouring in from all over the United States.

In addition to photos, Lewis also got messages from people wanting to invest in the craze and suggesting Lewis get copyright licenses and start charging for the downloads. Lewis declined them all. “People are suffering physically, emotionally and financially. Charging money would defeat the purpose.”

Recently, the idea made its arrival in Vicksburg.


Amanda Gordon, a teacher at Bovina Elementary School, got in her car Tuesday after an exceptionally trying day. “I wasn’t sure what it was at first, but when I read the sweet message it turned my whole day around. It was just the lift I needed.”

Carolyn Walker, also of Bovina, said, “It really made my day. To know someone spent time to put down on paper the qualities that see in me, means the world to me. Someone out there knows what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ. Whoever they are they have a heart after God’s own heart.”

Courtesy of Carolyn Walker

Gordon doesn’t know who left the notes, but that is part of the fun. “Just knowing that someone thought of me and cared enough to do it made me smile.”

And that was precisely the point.


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