July 4th is much more than a day off!
INDEPENDENCE DAY! We (VDN) will bring you the stories that we find today and I’m sure that we’ll find someone to talk to about something other than Independence Day. There’s a whole lot going on in our world other than celebrations. But… we will be posting more content to the site on this day than we do on others strictly because it’s Independence Day. There is an imperative in my mind… my heart… my soul. That imperative is to teach people, especially our youth, about our great, vast and wonderful history. Many people here in Vicksburg still don’t like the idea of celebrating this holiday. Some want to know why. So I’ll try to be brief. The “War Between the States” or “Civil War” happened in the early to mid 1860s. Vicksburg was a key defensive post for the Confederacy and was besieged by Union troops beginning on May 18, 1863. A long and bloody battle was fought, but as many of you know, the Confederacy lost. The surrender occurred on our nation’s 87th birthday: July 4, 1863. 148 years ago today. Now, there is nobody in this town that was alive at that point in time and very few that are still around that knew someone who was. There are a few… some of our older population had parents and/or grandparents who were alive during the war. Why are there still people who have problems with celebrating the birth of the greatest nation that has ever existed? I think the answer is simply tradition. People are inherently adverse to change. We are all creatures of habit. There were a number of years that Independence Day was treated as a day of mourning. So people just adapted and were resistant to celebrate as the population who were directly connected to the war began to die off. They wanted to honor their family members and felt the need to do something other than celebrate America’s Declaration of Independence from England. But that’s local… think National.  We are 235 years removed from the signing of this great document and there is a growing segment of our society that knows nothing else about this day other than burgers, hot dogs, family, friends and fireworks. That’s a shame. Shame on me… Shame on you…  It’s OUR fault for not teaching those who are completely ignorant of the situation.  It’s our DUTY as Americans to do so and we’ve begun to fail. Putting that into context – is it any wonder that our country is in the shape it is? The cover of the current issue of Time Magazine shows a photo of the US Constitution with the words “Does It Still Matter?” emblazoned across the front. If there is anyone who answers “No” to that question, I believe that they should just pack their crap and move to Iran. Go ahead and throw in your lot with the enemy, because if you believe that the Constitution of the United States of America is irrelevant in today’s society, you are an enemy of the State and should be treated as such. You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as me – or any other willing Patriot. You are a disgrace to your ancestors and everything they believed in. I’m sure that you have someone in your family, or extended family, who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from “all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Get out. You don’t deserve to be here. This is Independence Day and I am making my own declaration.
“When in the course of my life, I find myself staring into the Abyss, I will find comfort through two things:Â First – and foremost – my God, my Savior, Jesus Christ, who makes all things possible; Then to my Country – who’s founders had the TRUE “Audacity of Hope” to recognize that we could have a brighter future and through their courage and their acknowledgment of the Creator of all things and the rights that He bestowed upon His people, that we were capable of forging a new nation – INDIVISIBLE – UNDER GOD! “I will take comfort in my God and my Country and be thankful to both “I will take every opportunity to spread the word – far and wide – about my God and my Country. “I will work to ensure that everyone within the sound of my voice hears my message of hope for the future by honoring our past. “I will teach those who are truly ignorant of our history and will work to instill a sense of Duty into those who are apathetic. “I will defend my God and my Country against their enemies – with no thought of my own well being – to ensure that future generations will still enjoy the freedoms that I and my family have enjoyed for generations as citizens of The United States of America.”I know my words are not nearly as eloquent as those Jefferson penned in June of 1776, but they are as heartfelt as any I have ever typed. I hope that you will join me in spreading the message of what THIS day is all about!]]]]> ]]> See a typo? Report it here.