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Mayor commends Vicksburg residents for shopping locally



Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Aldermen, May 4, 2020. (Photo via VTV screenshot)

Despite the economic setbacks of COVID-19 in early spring, Vicksburg nearly met its sales tax projections for the year.

During Thursday’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting, Mayor George Flaggs Jr. credited Vicksburg residents for making it possible by shopping locally.

“I consider this a big, big win for the City of Vicksburg,” Flaggs said. “… We shopped at home first. We went to restaurants in Vicksburg first. We are helping ourselves by shopping at home first. We are growing this economy like never before.”

In fiscal year 2020, which ended on Sept. 30, the city collected nearly $7.8 million in sales taxes, about $26,000 shy of its projections.

In addition to regular sales taxes, the additional 2% tax on food, drink and hotel sales slightly exceeded expectations by about $33,000, collecting $2.183 million. Those funds go toward the Sports Force Parks complex.

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