Mayor Flaggs announces plan to recommend deputy fire chief at Sep. 6 board meeting

Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs, Jr. has announced he will be recommending Jessica Cade as a Vicksburg Fire Department deputy fire chief.
The Mayor’s office released a statement on Tuesday:
Mayor Flaggs states: “On Tuesday, September 6, 2022, during the Board Meeting, I am recommending Jessica Cade as one of the Deputy Fire Chiefs at the Vicksburg Fire Department. Ms. Cade has 7 years of experience with the Vicksburg Fire Department, with a focus on Paramedic Care. She works now as a paramedic on the ambulance, providing emergency medical care to patients in the City of Vicksburg, as well as Warren County. Ms. Cade was also responsible for training EMT and Paramedic students during orientation.
I make this recommendation with confidence that Ms. Cade will be a tremendous asset to the Vicksburg Fire Department as it relates to present and future goals. Ms. Cade received “Firefighter of the Year” in 2019 – an award presented by the Vicksburg Homecoming Benevolent Club. There have been several Deputy Chiefs who took on the tasks required at the Vicksburg Fire Department. As we move toward the future, I am sure that Ms. Cade is what this department needs in areas of job performance, recruitment, and retainment. A job description of Ms. Cade’s role is forthcoming.”
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