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Mayor says animal shelter organizers are being disrespectful



Left: Mayor George Flaggs, Jr. (City of Vicksburg) Right: Gina Hendrickson (with permission)

A miffed Mayor George Flaggs contacted the Vicksburg Daily News to express his dismay at the tone of those organizing an effort to create a new animal shelter. “They scheduled their meeting at the exact time we are being installed into office. That is the most disrespectful thing that’s been done to me in my 31 years in public office.”

Mayor Flaggs, North Ward Alderman Michael Mayfield and South Ward Alderman Alex Monsour will all be sworn in at 6 p.m. in a ceremony at the City Auditorium. They announced the event over a month ago and have put out numerous public invitations to the event.

When the Vicksburg Daily News mentioned to the organizer of the shelter meeting, Gina Hendrickson, that their meeting overlapped the installation ceremony she replied “I know it’s at the same time.”

The Mayor went on to say, “And they expect us to work with them?!”

Hendrickson responded “I am happy to hear Mayor Flaggs knows that we the community want to work on bettering the city of Vicksburg. I respect Mayor Flaggs and both Aldermen. The PEOPLE chose these three Gentlemen. I pray many blessings for each of them & collectively as a Board. I look forward to watching the footage later in the evening. I look forward to continuing the work with this Board as I have the last four years. Congratulations on your 3rd Term Mayor Flaggs; 2nd Term to South Ward Alderman Monsour and our Northward Alderman Mayfield.”

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen are expected to take up the issue of the shelter at their first meeting of this term on July 6.

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