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MSDH reports 362 new COVID-19 cases and 3 deaths



As demand for vaccinations slows down, the number of COVID-19 cases in Mississippi mirrors case numbers one year ago in May 2020.

credit: MSDH

MSDH reported 362 new cases and 3 news deaths in the state on Thursday, May 13. MSDH’s latest county-level report shows that there were 55 active COVID-19 cases in Warren County as of May 3.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 4393 cases of the virus have been reported in Warren County and 121 people have died. Statewide, 314,147 cases have been reported with 7,244 deaths associated with COVID-19.

As of May 12, MSDH reports that only 26% of the state has been vaccinated, in spite of the accessibility of the vaccine. Mississippi Today extrapolated the MSDH vaccination data in a revealing chart showing the percentage of fully vaccinated Mississippians by age group.

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