My Journey to Health – Week 22
never took him for a run. I was too fat and lazy to run when he was able, now he is too old. It’s still crazy to think of ME running. I’m starting to love it though. Hopefully, I can keep up with Shooter. I don’t think I have much choice in the matter though! If you still haven’t started on your journey and are looking for a little inspiration, I have something for your to watch. If Chad Johnson’s story doesn’t inspire you, you should check your pulse! Chad’s motto is: “You can either stop, or you can start.” It’s time for us all to start. The time for stopping was yesterday. So, stop feeling sorry for yourself and take a look at this. Click here, it opens in a new window. It is easy to sit around and feel sorry for yourself. It is easy to put it off until tomorrow or say, “One day…” Well, your are not getting any younger. You are not promised any tomorrows. Make the change today. So, to borrow one of Chad’s lines, “Quit being a slug” and do it. Make all of your tomorrows healthier and happier. I will see you at the gym. Next week is the scales and measuring tape. ]]]]> ]]>
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