My Journey to Health – Week 3
I have a tip to share with you ladies out there that decide to embark on this journey. If you wake up one morning and your hamstrings are so tight you can barely move, hop in the shower and shave your legs. Not the bath where you are all stretched out, make sure it’s the shower. The stretching and hot water made the hamstrings loosen right up. It feels heavenly! So, why am I talking about soreness all the way into week 3? Because, I’m still a little sore. We are pushing harder every time we walk into the gym. It doesn’t go away over night. When you start your journey, you should know that. I don’t want to give you the false impression that this is easy. It’s not. When I walk out of that gym, I feel like I’m going to die some days. Then later, when I’m still going at 11p.m. and haven’t thought about a nap, I realize it is all worth it. Getting fat was the easy part, you just have to convince yourself that you are worth the sweat and discomfort. Give it a try. You will be amazed at the things that you are capable of doing. You may find out, like I did, that you actually like it. See you in the gym! Cristy]]]]> ]]>
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