Next school board meeting is July 29 – if you want to speak…
VICKSBURG, Miss. (Vicksburg Daily News)–The next meeting of the Vicksburg Warren School District will be held July 29 at 5:30 p.m. at the school district office on Bazinsky at Mission 66.
It is open to the public but seating is limited. If you wish to speak to the board, there is a process that must be followed, and even then there is no guarantee the board will hear or speak with you. If you are able to navigate the paperwork and be considered bona fide enough to address the board, they will not discuss your issue at that time but will only consider taking it under advisement.
Here is the process to attempt to speak to the board at a meeting:
- Public comments are limited to 5 minutes per person or group
- Submit, through certified mail – receipt requested – or hand carry a written request to come before the board at least 48 hours prior to the board meeting
- Submit your name, address, telephone number, and signature of the person making the request
- Date of the board meeting
- Reason(s) for the request
- Name address and telephone number of the spokesperson of the individual or group, if different from the person making the request.
- The Superintendent will acknowledge receipt of your request and issue instructions by return mail to the person making the request.
- Should the agenda be too crowded, as determined by the Superintendent, the matter will be held until the next scheduled board meeting.
- No person or group shall be recognized without first being placed on the agenda.
- Only the person designated as spokesman shall be allowed to speak for a group.
- Any person willfully disturbing the school board meeting shall be in violation of the law and possibly arrested and fined.
- The board may make and enforce resolutions, rules and regulations for the conduct of persons attending board meetings.
- You shall speak only on the subject(s) stated in the written request.
- The board reserves the right to take matters under advisement.
Here is another link to the district page with all the above information.
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