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Private citizens solution to panhandlers causes a stink



dead animals panhandlers

In a viral post on social media, a user that goes by the name Jeremy Lucky posted a novel solution to panhandling in his area.

The photo showed several roadkill animals laid out in an area Lucky claims is usually populated with a panhandler. Lucky stated in the post, “I’m not sure who keeps putting roadkill at all the places the 5+ year panhandlers are hanging out at… but I’d like to be the first to say, you are doing gods work.”

The response was mixed with some people thrilled that the panhandler was run off from their spot. Others were angry that dead animals were being used in that way and still others were upset that the panhandlers were given even more grief.

Those angry with the panhandlers note that the same panhandlers have been at that location for years. “Get the panhandlers off the street. I know someone personally that does this bc he makes more money a day panhandling than he would at a regular job,” said one commenter. That sentiment was prevalent on that side of the argument. “Dead animals aren’t funny. Neither are panhandlers,” said another.

One person commented, “This is repulsive all the way around. Nothing funny about it.”

The post had nearly 500 comments and over 500 shares at the time of this report.

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