Probationer runs from law enforcement

There was high drama last night as a probationer with the Mississippi Department of Corrections ran from their parole officer.
An MDOC employee was speaking with the probationer outside the Probation and Parole office on Clay Street. The MDOC employee asked the probationer to step inside. Instead, the parolee took off running.
While the suspect was spotted several times, it was Detective Sam Winchester with the Warren County Sheriff’s Department who spotted the probationer near the Church’s Chicken on Clay Street. A foot chase ensued with law officers chasing the probationer behind the Church’s Chicken and onto South Street. With the assistance of other deputies and MDOC, along with officers from the Vicksburg Police Department, the suspect was apprehended at 5:45 p.m. by Deputy Hamp Lyons and Deputy Patrick Brown in the 1400 block of South Street.
The suspect was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia and taken to the Warren County jail.
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