Road and weather update – 12 p.m.
As of 12 p.m. Monday, road conditions in Vicksburg and Warren County are dire.
The outside temperature is 18 degrees and with wind feels like 5 degrees. Frostbite and hypothermia are a real threat. Do not go out if you do not have to go out.
Mayor Flaggs has issued a curfew to be in effect as of 12 p.m. until 12 p.m. Tuesday.
There are countless stalled vehicles blocking roadways in the Warren County area. Law enforcement is working at capacity to remove the vehicles safely. The emphasis has been on helping medical personal. Vehicles are being left where they were until after the disaster passes.
Warren County authorities are concentrating on transporting essential medical workers to and from work.
The Vicksburg Fire Department responded to a residential structure at 1214 West Magnolia at 6:47 a.m. The fire apparatus was unable to make it up the hill, and firefighters had to lay hose up the hill to battle the fire. The structure was unoccupied and is a total loss. Firefighters were still on the scene at the last report
18-wheelers are stalled on the hill on Interstate 20 near the Old 27 overpass which has the highway completely shut down.
In Madison Parish, Deputy Brandon Wilcher says there have been a few minor accidents with no injuries.
Officials continue to encourage residents to shelter in place. Authorities are also encouraging you to not ride all-terrain vehicles in roadways and streets as approaching vehicles might not be able to stop and thus cause a collision.
Most areas with significant inclines are impassible. Vicksburg Police have attempted to use chains on a couple of vehicles unsuccessfully as they break within a few minutes.
Please continue to be mindful of elderly family and friends and check on them regularly.
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