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Self proclaimed Holy Man David Cruz is passing through Vicksburg



David Isiah Cruz

David Cruz, 41, is a self-proclaimed man of God on a mission to work on his relationship with God while spreading love and faith.

In November 2020, Cruz left his home in New York and began this trek. Three and a half years later, he has walked through 40 states, with 8 more to go.

Cruz said, “God has protected me. Sleeping in the mountains where the grizzly bears are, sleeping in the neighborhoods in Oregon where all the mountain lions are and nothing. The creator wants me to have no doubt he is protecting me.”

Today, Cruz is dressed in plastic trash bags, covering his head and body, and carrying his items with him. He looks like a person without a home or possessions.

Getting him to talk to the Vicksburg Daily News took a minute. When we brought out the recorder, he almost walked away, but he soon relented and told his story. The first question was to say and spell his name. “David Isiah Cruz.” Noting that David and Isiah are Biblical names, we was asked if he grew up in a religious household. He said, “And Cruz. Cruz is the cross in Spanish. My mother is a Methodist, and my father is Catholic. I grew up in the Catholic Church and was an altar boy. They pulled me out of school all the time to help at the altar.” Then Cruz added, “…and Cruz means cross in Spanish.”

He said, “I’m walking and working to improve the lines of communication between God and me. Steady, stable lines of communication. That’s what is was, that’s how it all started. Then he gave me a blueprint, like an upload or a download. He is working on me, removing doubt, removing fear; everything that hinders me. Divine connection.”

“With no days off I’ve walked 12,000 miles. In order to do that your feet have to heal. He wanted me to understand that I shouldn’t doubt him. Like walking through all the roads so far and no animals have attacked me. And no problems here and no problems there even though there is hostility in the world I could be assured that I can walk through the most hostile areas, sleeping in the most hostile environments in the United States, and nothing happens.”

On this walk Cruz believes, “There is a specific person I have to meet. He told me who this person is. It is a person with a heart of gold, a person that is a humanitarian. You know who this person is, this is a famous person and this person knows of my endeavors. This is the goal of my mission, I know this 100 percent.” Cruz went on to state, “Whenever the Creator decides this person is to cross my path, however it happens, then that is how it shall be.”



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