Spring Breakers beware: Portuguese Man O’ War infestation on Gulf Coast beaches

As Spring Break season heats up, officials on the Gulf Coast are warning visitors about a dangerous infestation of Portuguese Man O’ War.
According to a report by WLBT, the Portuguese Man O’ War is similar, but can be much more dangerous than a jellyfish. The venom of this breed of man o’ war can be powerful enough to send one to the hospital.
The report states that there are thousands currently on the beaches and in the water. Beach Safety Director David Vaughan says that those who are vacationing from out of town are most likely to get injured, being unaware of the dangers.
South Walton Fire District (SWFD) recently took to social media showcasing photos of hundreds of man o’ war washed up along the beach.
SWFD states that if you get stung by one, to use warm water to relieve the pain.
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