The decision has been made that Kitty Girl must have surgery.

If you would like to contribute to her care, you can drop off a donation at the Super Junior at 1095 Oak Ridge Road, or at the Animal Medical Clinic at 100 Thalweg Drive, next to Fox’s Pizza.

The outcome is not guaranteed. In the event Kitty Girl doesn’t make it, donations will not be refunded. Any donations received over the amount needed for her care will be donated to Paws Rescue.

Original story:

Kitty Girl showed up at the Super Junior on Oakridge Road in Warren County when she was about 6 months old. The employees there have cared for since then, especially Claudia and Sam.

The customers who frequent the Super Junior love Kitty Girl, too, stopping to pet her whenever she’s there.

Yesterday she showed up at the store and collapsed. After a brief exam, it was clear that she’d been shot, probably with a small-caliber gun.

It was near closing time, but veterinarian Dr. Rachel Mann with Animal Medical Clinic in Vicksburg agreed to see Kitty Girl when good Samaritan Karen Kirk offered to bring her. Mann examined and X-rayed her, confirming that she had a wound consistent with a gunshot. Kitty Girl showed signs of a collapsed lung.

Right now she’s being treated with antibiotics and pain medication while decisions are made regarding possible surgery.

As part of a world-wide cat-loving community, Kirk has received messages of love and support from community members from many parts of the world, most expressing positive thoughts and prayers, but occasionally extreme anger towards whoever hurt Kitty Girl.

Depending on the prognosis and cost of treatment, Kirk may solicit donations to help the Super Junior ladies with the expenses. They are working on finding a safe home for Kitty Girl after she recovers enough to leave the vet’s office.

If you have any information on who shot Kitty Girl, please contact the Warren County Sheriff’s Office at 601-636-1761.