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Thanksgiving: A Day of PRAYER and Praise




“It has seemed to me fit and proper that God should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at seas, and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our benevolent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. So, remember, as a United States’ citizen and President, I say, intoxicated with unbounded success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace.” – Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, 1863 Now, Mr. Lincoln, I wish you were here, and wish you were President in 2011 to declare the decision of the Supreme Court to make organized prayer in public places, null and void! You would not be happy with the way your governing body has ignored your invitation. You would, however, be very proud of the way God-fearing people, young and old, are moving across this country you loved so much, to stop the anti-God movement that will surely destroy, from within, the God-blessed USA. The power of prayer will win in the end, as I am sure, even now, you know, just like your name sake — The Father of all nations, Abraham. The young people taking to the field before ballgames to say The Lord’s Prayer and the power of prayer by homebound folks, like the ninety-five year old McComb resident, Margaret Dunn, confirms that these five words ring true: GOD WINS IN THE END!!! Let’s make this Thanksgiving a nationwide prayer — public and private, despite the Freedom From Religion folks — just as our late great President has declared.

Paul Ott Carruth is a proud Mississippian.  He used his musical talents to entertain thousands in the 1960’s and because of his great passion for conservation and the outdoors, he was led into a career as a spokesman for the Mississippi Department of Game & Fish.  He has also served as spokesman for the National Wildlife Federation, National Wild Turkey Federation, Southern Tourism Council and much more.  He is a former president of the Mississippi Wildlife Federation. Above all else, Paul is a God-fearing, God-loving family man.  A veteran of the US Army, Paul is also a very patriotic individual.  He believes that we, as Americans, should do our best to honor and serve our “God, Family and Country,” in that order. The host of the syndicated radio and television show, Listen to the Eagle, Paul lives in Summit, Mississippi with his loving wife Lynda.  Learn more about Paul at his website:]]]]> ]]>

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