The heroes feed the heroes


The past week has presented our community with historic weather and historic challenges.

Several of our neighbors are still without water or power and some have neither. Repair crews from all over the country have descended on Vicksburg and Warren County to assist in the massive restoration project. At one point almost 10,000 people were without power.

The power line crews have been working 16 to 20 hour days. They rest for a bit and then go right back at it. Several of them have been staying in hotels that are also without power or water.

16 hour days, working in the harshest conditions and then returning to a cold room with no running water. One group has been dipping water from the swimming pool to use for brushing their teeth and flushing the toilet.

These are hard-working and dedicated crews who are working in these conditions without complaint.

When Warren County firefighters heard of their plight, they organized to make it easier on the power crews. On Sunday night, around 5 p.m., the Lee Road fire station opened its doors to the power crews so they could use their showers. They also cooked them a hot and homemade meal to enjoy, a lot of it cooked by Kim Comfort.

The Warren County firefighters also invited all first responders to drop by and grab a plate.

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Jabaris McDaniel, Jimmy Cogan, Earl Davis and Tara “Helo” Lange
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Trista Wood, Tim Wood, Robert Whitten, Wendell Blair, Fire Boss Jerry Briggs and District 3 Supervisor Shawn Jackson meet to discuss the food giveaway.
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Ashlyn Boler ensures the food is ready to be served.
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The MasTek crew from the Dallas/Fort Worth area leave the station after a hearty meal.
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Fire Boss Jerry Briggs in a more relaxed mood.

The power crews should be finishing up in the next day or so, but on one of their last nights they are getting some neighborly love, a warm shower, a hot meal and endless appreciation from a grateful community.